International Jazzfestival in Mercedes
The international jazz festival takes place in Mercedes in mid January. The small town on the Rio Negro offers a romantic ambience for the bands that play jazz of all sorts in cobblestone alleys during the day. As soon as the sun sets, the festival continues on the main stage.
Our trip takes us through Uruguay with one full day at the festival. We start in the first week of January and reach our highlight in Mercedes at the end of the trip. The return flight to the project base in Colonia del Sacramento is about 10 days later.
Our trip takes us through Uruguay with one full day at the festival. We start in the first week of January and reach our highlight in Mercedes at the end of the trip. The return flight to the project base in Colonia del Sacramento is about 10 days later.

Air Festival in Villarica, Chile
Every year there is a big Fly-In and festival at Villarica Airfield which lies in the impressive volcanic region of Chile. We fly in a group with other pilots from Uruguay starting from Montevideo or Colonia del Sacramento. The route takes us across Argentina and across the Andes to Chile. Flying excursions can be undertaken on site to see the volcanoes of the region from the air.
The tour starts at the end of January and lasts about 8 days. As always, we are dependent on the weather, especially to cross the Andes. If you plan for 10 days, you are on the safe side.
The tour starts at the end of January and lasts about 8 days. As always, we are dependent on the weather, especially to cross the Andes. If you plan for 10 days, you are on the safe side.
Carnival in Montevideo
The so-called “Llamadas” traditionally take place at the beginning of February. These are the carnival parades that stream through downtown Montevideo. The hustle and bustle is a great spectacle, filled with the sound of the drums, the glittering costumes of the dancers and a cheerful atmosphere.
Our tour starts any day as of February and ends 10 or 12 days later, depending on individual wishes.
Our tour starts any day as of February and ends 10 or 12 days later, depending on individual wishes.

Gauchofest in Tacuarembó
At the beginning of March, gauchos from all over the country meet in Tacuarembó, a small town in northern Uruguay. Every year huts and scenes are reproduced according to a certain motto and evaluated as part of the national competition. The rodeos are of course also an important part of the ratings. Not to be missed is the parade of all the gauchos on their horses, there are several thousands, through the city on Saturday.
We start the gaucho trip during the first week of March and finish it 10 to 12 days later, depending on whether the participants want to try horseback riding at an authentic farm themselves after the festival.
We start the gaucho trip during the first week of March and finish it 10 to 12 days later, depending on whether the participants want to try horseback riding at an authentic farm themselves after the festival.
Trip to Paraguay in October
At the end of October, the large and well-known Aero Festival takes place in Yvytú. The pilots come from all the neighboring regions, from Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. Last year there were 18 planes from Uruguay, one more than from Argentina!
The expected date for this year’s festival is the weekend of October 10th to 12th.

Bodega tour through Uruguay at the beginning of December
The main theme of this Uruguay tour is local wine production. We visit bodegas all over the country, in Artigas, Rivera, Canelones, Carmelo and in Colonia del Sacramento.
Day trips or short trips during the Christmas period
Individual day trips or short trips lasting several days can be booked over the Christmas period until New Year’s Eve. Flights along the Atlantic coast are popular.